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Unicorn Pumpkins

October is my favorite time of year. Why? PUMPKINS!

And today I am going to show you how I made my magical unicorn pumpkin. It involved lots of pumpkin guts, lots of yarn and lots of fun. Many of you know that if you search pumpkin carving on Pinterest at least three different variations of the unicorn will pop up so it only seemed fitting I create one with Jewelbot eyes. The first thing you need to do is collect some materials.

-At least 1 pumpkin (preferably white) -2 Jewelbots (optional) click here to learn how I used the animation rainbows -Plastic food wrap (to protect the Jewelbot) -Carving tools -Tin foil -Colorful yarn of your choosing -A small booklet -Sharpie -Stiff paper -3 long wooden skewers - A can do attitude

This pumpkin was fun to make but also was a long process. I would recommend being prepared to get messy.

You may also want to make this pumpkin with a friend. Me and my mom made all these pumpkins together and it was much easier that way. After we carved out our pumpkin we got to work on mapping out the face. I would recommend planning out your face before starting. Next tape the paper with your face where you want the face to sit on the pumpkin. A good rule of thumb is to make sure everything is placed evenly and the mouth is placed in the middle of your unicorn. Once everything is set use something pointy to poke small holes so you know where to carve.

Now that you have your face carved (I added lips later on) you want to start on her mane.

To create her mane you need some yarn and a tiny booklet.

Step 1. Start wrapping yarn around your booklet like so: ​​

Continue to do this until you have a nice thick amount. Once you feel content with what you have, slowly slip the yarn off your tiny booklet. ​​

2. Tie a knot

. Step 3. Cut off the sides to make a cute little puff ball.

Now we shall move on to the most majestic of all, Our unicorn horn! To start you will need a strong paper material of sorts and some tin foil.

Step 1. Cut the paper and then roll it so that it looks like this: Tape all loose pieces. ​​

Wrap the horn in tin foil and decorate horn, however you like.

Step 3. Puncture hole in middle of unicorn head and then stick, horn through that hole

Now we are ready for the second to last step with is fairly simple. If you are not using Jewelbots you can skip this one. Step 1. Put your two Jewelbot charms in food wrap. This is so you don't get any pumpkin guts or anything in or on them. Once they are secure and well wrapped simply insert them inside the unicorn's eyes.

The last and final step is to attach everything. Your unicorn should be similar to this one: ​


Now you have your very own unicorn pumpkin and maybe some unicorn friends! Although these unicorns are majestic creatures they do not fancy themselves rain so it is recommended to keep them inside or out looking a window for their utmost comfort. If you want your unicorn to last longer rubbing some vaseline on the inside and outside can help.

May your Halloween be magical,

This is TC signing off. :)

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About Me

My name is TC and I am a middle school girl who recently learned how to code using the device- Jewelbots.  programmable bracelet 

that is a great way to learn how to code using the service Aurduino IDE. I also love to write. I use writing to learn more about myself and who I am. Click here to learn more. 




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